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1K Fun Run


This year we've added a 1K Fun Run to Turkey Trot.  This event is geared for young children, supportive parents, strollers and dogs too!  The 1K Fun Run takes place at 12:30, after the 10K and 5K run are completed.  


To make this event extra special, we're encouraging young runners to have their face painted for free before the big race. Registered 1K runners will have priority at the Face Painting kiosk within the Turkey Trot Kidz Zone.   


For kids who just can't wait for October 31st, we also welcome Halloween costumes*. In fact, there's a special prize for the best costume we see cross the 1K Finish Line!





Learning compassion for those in need can't start early enough. We encourage all 1K Runners to raise pledges for their efforts.   Click the button below to set up a pledge page or make a direct donation to the event.








* Note for the safety of all children, Halloween masks that impair vision in any way are not  permitted in the race.


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